Saturday, August 9, 2008

School, Church, and Basketball

My objectives for moving to Southern California and keeping a balance between the pressures of studying and just enjoying my time with minimal stress.  I'll be taking the heaviest course load ever, averaging about 20 units per quarter.  So, I'll need to focus on succeeding in the classroom.

Finding a church, or a body, will be imperative for my walk and just as a community I can just share and be open with.  My relationship with God this past year definitely is different from what it was like in college, but I still look to Him for guidance, and try my best to live up to a higher standard.  What I've been missing this year is a community in which I can continue to grow, and just share things with.

Basketball will be my stress outlet and a way to keep in shape.  When I'm not studying, hopefully I'll be on the court, working out, or just relaxing a bit.  I just want to play and improve my game, and have fun playing with classmates or friends.  Recognizing how my friends play, and just improving together.

This post might be a bit disorganized cause I'm watching the Olympics (beach volleyball).  These three objectives will be my cornerstone for maintaining a balance for my life in SoCal, and hopefully everything else will fall into place: friends, relationships, grades, health.

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