Thursday, May 22, 2008

Asian American Vote

First I'm not up-to-date with the Democratic party, and the different solutions that Obama and Clinton pose to the same problems. I know that it's a tight race, and the Obama has a majority of the votes from the delegates for the Democratic party nomination. I've also heard that Clinton will support Asians, and Obama did not (or something like that).
The clip below has Beau Sia, of Def Poetry fame, encouraging and motivating Asian Americans to recognize the authority and power they have in voting and asking the the politicians to focus on Asian Americans and their contribution to this country, and recognize that they need our vote too. So as much as this post is about voting, and being politically active or aware, it's also about being Asian American and recognizing what obstacles are against our people group.

More Videos of Beau Sia from Def Poetry Jam: *caution* some explicit language *caution*

Goodbye 22, Hello 23

So it's been about a week and a half since I turned 23. I finally decided to update this blog, and instead of trying to write long, thoughtful posts, maybe I'll try to post more with nuggets of thought. I've been trying to retain all this information, but it's kind of hard.

I'm not too sure what to think about turning 23, but I do feel that I am older, and that I should be thinking and acting older. It's like time to grow up and focus on L-I-F-E. I had that feeling when I graduated college, that everything up to that point had been to finish college and have and idea about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. After I graduated, it was all about DOING those things to have a life, and plan ahead for family, finances, and just thinking about responsibility that actually impacted other individuals. So as I'm preparing to enter optometry school in August, I'm thinking more seriously about my class work, and networking, and thinking about opportunities and ideas for getting a job and working after I finish school. Granted that some of my classmates are already married either at my age or a bit older, the environment will definitely be different from undergrad.

Also being 23, in four years after optometry school, I'll be 27! I just went to a dinner for my friend's 27th birthday, and he's getting married within the next 6 months. Also my friend who is graduating from SCCO will get married next year. So it's a possibility that after 4 years I MAY be thinking about getting married, and I'm currently single...LOL. Contemplating about my age just makes me feel like I'm older, more mature especially when I'm sitting on the bus and I see young kids taking the bus to go to elementary or middle school, and then I see the older (senior citizens) taking the bus. It's like a gradient, old people in the front, and young people in the back.

I guess it's not so much my age, but what's happening in my life at this point. I'm moving on to optometry school, people around me are getting married, and I'm around more people older than me than are my age. It's exciting to be older and accept the responsibility that comes with it because with the responsibility are the opportunities to really come into your own and start becoming the adult that you hope to be.

Next year, I'll be saying hello to mid-20's!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Music to Dance to

This post is kind of random, but it's cool how videos can be embedded onto a blog. Even though I don't go clubbing or dancing as much as I did maybe in my last year at Davis, I can't deny the hip hop in me. So here are a few videos that should be thoroughly enjoyed because of the great upbeat R&B music, and the dancing by Ne-yo, Chris Brown, and Usher.

I remember I had aspirations to be in a dance crew and perform and everything. Also the night where Darrin and I choreographed a dance routine in about 24 hours for Sisters' Appreciation. I also had the idea of creating a Christian hip hop group, or a dance crew, and the time at LTC where I dance to worship music (which was awesome). There is something about dancing that just makes me feel loose, and edgy just dancing away. Here's to the music that will be coming this summer that will just get your head bobbing, body shaking, and feet stepping!