Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Packing 'n Moving

So, I'm packing for the move down to So Cal, and it is somewhat setting in that a transition is happening, a new chapter in my life is starting.  Things that are different from my transition to college:

1) Distance
I won't just be an hour and 30 min. away from home, but at least 6 hours from home.  Yes, I'll be in California, but Northern and Southern California are completely different places.  When I was in Davis, I didn't come home that often, maybe once every 2 months, but this time around I'll only be going home when there are breaks in the school schedule.

2) Friends
When I moved to Davis, I actually was accepted into a summer transitional program, so I made friends before school even started.  Also about 120 of my classmates from high school were going to Davis, so there was always a familiar face.  Many of my friends from my high group of friends also decided to go to Davis.  In this case, there is only one person from Davis (that I kind of know going to SCCO), she was my housemate's friend.  I organized a get together for some of my Nor Cal classmates, where we were able to get to know each other.  Hopefully, that will be a good way to transition into a new environment with completely new faces.  

3) Living Situation
First year of Davis, I lived in the dorms, which was fine.  But what really will be different is that I am living with relatives in So Cal.  In Davis, I had two housemates, Adam and Ethan, whom were great housemates (irreplaceable, actually).  But now I'm living "alone," and with some courtesy rules to adhere to.  Yes, it is easier that I don't have to worry about taking care of chores as much, but living on my own makes it more lonely.  I'm an only child as it is, so this might be more difficult.  On the other hand, it's definitely helping out the wallet, so I should hope to have it work out.

I think these are the 3 things that make me anxious.  Change is exciting, and I'm always open to new things, but it's hard moving from the Bay, and really adjusting to 4 years of preparation for your career.  I'm sure there is some cliche quote about adapting to change is what strengthens our character.  I'm sure I'll do fine and adapt to the situation, whether it be making friends, or studying.  For me, it's that I have to put my mind to it and conjure up the effort to do all those things, not that I'm lazy, but to be a person who is consistently out-going is not who I am.

God has a plan, and I just need to be open-minded enough to see it and follow it, though I may not understand it.

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